We understand that being a Carer places certain demands on you and you may not have time to focus on your own wellbeing. We provide opportunities to allow you that much needed focus and time to take care of you.
We can support you to maintain your own health and wellbeing. This can be in many forms and our Health & Wellbeing Activities Coordinator would be happy to speak to you about your individual needs. We also work alongside trained Wellbeing and Mindfulness Teachers to offer you dedicated sessions designed specifically for Carers.
Some of our current sessions include:
We can also help you access training which may help you
in your caring role. Care Training & Consultancy Ltd can also offer training opportunities for Carers across the region. You can find our more about them by clicking here.
You may want to learn a new skill or upskill to help you gain better employment opportunities. If you find it difficult to access these opportunities for financial reasons, we may be able to help. See our Funding & Grants page for more information. You can speak with your Support Worker about your training needs and find the right session for you.