Caring can have a negative impact on your finances and may mean that you do not have the funds to pay for things that others may take for granted. Maybe you haven’t had a break or time out for a while from your Caring Role.
We can support you in a number of ways through our projects or help you access opportunities from other organisations. Speak with your Support Worker or contact us if you would benefit from help with your finances.
Our Time for You Project aims to provide you with financial support to allow you time out from your caring role. Everyone deserves a break, including Unpaid Carers – a chance to relax and have time away from routines and responsibilities. We want to support you to find the right break for you. That ‘right break’ might be anything from a spa break to having a years leisure membership allowing them few hours each week for you. Our Project is funded through Shared Care Scotland’s Time to Live Fund.
Please contact us if you would like more information on our Time for You fund or click on the button below for the guidance and application.
Funding is available to help Carers learn a new skill/upskill or to help with costs when accessing free/funded education. Some applications we have already funded have included:
Please contact us if you would like more information on our Skills Fund or click here for our guidance & application form.
The purpose of Respitality is to give Carers a break from their caring responsibilities so they can have some time for themselves to ‘recharge’ their
batteries. This is achieved through the generosity and support of local hospitality providers who gift a Respitality break. Some examples include: an overnight hotel break; dinner for two in a restaurant; complimentary leisure centre pass or free access to other leisure activities. Dumfries and Galloway Carers have already benefited from hotel stays, Panto tickets, beauty vouchers and self-catering breaks.
The Centre has been working closely with Shared Care Scotland who are our partners for this project to help local Carers access a range of Respitality breaks available throughout Dumfries and Galloway and Scotland. The range of breaks that are available changes regularly.
Please note you must be registered with us to access Respitality. Please speak to your Support Worker for more information.
As a Young Carer or Young Adult Carer you can access our Time for You fund and there may be other opportunities which can be identified through your Support Worker.
You may also be entitled to access benefits through Young Scot.
We can support you to explore other grants and funding opportunities that may help you in your caring role or benefit the person you care for. Please contact us for more information or speak with your Support Worker.
Some funding and grants are only available to Carers registered with us.