We provide advice and support to anyone who cares for a relative or friend.
We provide information, advice and support to anyone who cares for a relative or friend. We also aim to raise awareness of the needs of Carers and the contribution they make to care in the community.
Many people do not see themselves as Carers and may be missing out on vital services, benefits and information. A Carer is someone who provides support to a family member or friend who is affected by long-term illness, disability, age or addiction.
A Young Adult Carer is someone aged 18-25 who cares for a family member, child or partner who suffers from a long-term illness, physical or learning disability, mental illness, drugs, or alcohol misuse. Our Young Adult Carers team can offer information, advice, and support specifically for young adults.
There are many children and young people who help to look after someone in their family. This may be Mum, Dad, brother or sister. The project aims to provide Young Carers aged 7-18 years with a break from their caring role through one-to-one support, groups and activities held across the region.
Carers of all ages in Dumfries and Galloway are recognised, valued, heard and supported.
To challenge and raise awareness of the inequalities that Carers face and ensure that they have access to support and services that matter to them