We provide the one to one support you need in a way that suits you. This may be face to face, video call, phone call or by email.
As a Carer, you may need different levels of support at different times. You may be allocated a Support Worker who will provide you with information, advice and assistance in your caring role. Meetings can be face to face at a venue of your choosing and they will work with you to explore how you are feeling, managing in your caring role and what you would like to change. They will encourage you to think of yourself, take time out, have a life alongside your caring role and what that looks like to you.
There are times when other services may be relevant and we can help you access these. For example, if you are caring for someone with Mental Health issues we can refer you to Change Mental Health for additional support. Some Carers prefer our check in service where you would receive a call on a regular basis to offer advice and support. If you feel you do not need one to one support, you can still access our groups and activities and stay up-to-date with what’s going on through our website, facebook page and signing up to our mailing list.